Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week Two - Auckland Triennial 2010

Nick Austin, ye old age

Mahmoud Bakhshi, Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation's Youth, 2008,neon, tin, wood, plastic, electric engines, courtesy of the artist andKhastoo Gallery, Los Angeles

'Last Ride in a Hot Air Balloon' is the title for the 2010 4th Auckland triennialwhich is on show from 12 March - 20 June. Watch the video of the curator,Natasha Conland discussing the art show.

Youtube conland348. MP4

Use the information from the video andon the Triennial website to answer the following questions;
1.What are the themes behind the title "Last ride...' for the Auckland triennial?
The themes behind 'Last Ride in a Hot Air Balloon' are the on going relation between adventure and risk taking in contemporary art today

2. What does a curator of an exhibition do?
A curator is a host and guide to places such as Art Galleries and museums etc. A curator develops, maintains, and researches the collections of the exhibition.

3. Which countries are represented in this year's triennial?
Here's a list of where this year's triennial can be viewed:

New Zealand, Germany, Australia, USA, Ireland, Sweden, Argentina, Denmark, Mexico, Iran, England, Scotland, India, Lebanon, China and France

4. Is Auckland the only country to have a triennial? Are there other similar art shows?
No (As listed above) there are many countries that are displaying. Here are some similar art shows and exhibitions.
Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art:
Indigenous Art Triennial
5. Name 4 artists who will be showing work in the show.
Some of the artists showcasing their work in this years triennial are Walid sadek, Zheng Bo, Nick Austin and Sharon Hayes

6. Select an artist's work from the website, copy the work to your blog and write a short comment on what the work is, and what it represents.(Reference your sources)
This is Nick Austin's work titled 'Nick Austin, ye old age 2009' (the yellow piece of art at the top of blog) This work represents ones eyesight getting worse/less adequate as they get older in life. The magnifying glass represents the glasses which increase/improve the sight of the user, this relates to eyesight because when someones eyesight is getting worse they result in having to buy prescription glasses to more or less renew their vision.
7. Comment on why you find this work interesting, how does it relate to your own interests?
I find it interesting as he has displayed his message clearly and i like that almost anyone can see what is trying to be conveyed through his work. It does not relly relate to my own interests, but i have noticed that my eyesight has been geting worse lately.
Students doing the commentary should comment on their partners answers, and answer questions 6 and 7.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reese!
    (I'm one random person!)

    Ye Old Age by Nick Austin reminds me of my grandparents and politics. Well the first reason is the most obvious reason (old age), but the reason why this piece reminds me of politics is that no matter the age, our leaders still seem to lose sight of what is important. How hard is it to drop that macho macho attitude and come together as friends, as compadres for a more productive and helpful world society?

    And yes you're probably thinking I'm a weirdo, and you're probably wandering how I got politics out of a magnifying glass and a few cut out shapes in a piece of yellow paper.

    I'm just weird that way.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nick Austine's "work Ye Old Age" is very interesting. This relates to eyesight because when someones eyesight is getting worse they result in having to buy prescription glasses to more or less renew their vision.
    It makes me to think of an old people and also a people who has a bad eye sight.
